Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Recycling... Organizing... Creating.

I'm going through what appears to be a recycling phase in my artistic life. There are some things that are not working as I'd like, and others that sound to me to be in need of urgent changes. I've been experiencing different techniques and approaches toward my themes and also trying to find ways to turn things a bit more organized and exciting.

At the last Lexington Pagan Pride I saw a tarot reader that warned me about the need of some changing in my professional life. At that moment I didn't realize that I needed that, everything was just fine the way it was, but a couple weeks ago I began to look at my works with different eyes and everything suddenly made sense. In fact I've been too eager in embracing new opportunities and getting involved with so many things that I've been feeling overwhelmed. And it is not bringing any good to my development as an artist - or my sanity.

It seems that Artessence will also change. I've been planing bigger things to this humble space and attempting to transform it in a real project. I'm excited. While it does not happen, I leave you with this wonderful interview with the Dutch philosopher Robert Happé (the website is in Portuguese and also the video subtitles, but the interview is in good English), which is pretty much the spirit of Artessence. Enjoy!