Saturday, September 13, 2008

Studio updates here!

When this blog was initially constructed, it was intended to accommodate my insights in astrology and spirituality. I had the project in hands and mind but I still didn't know very well what to do with it. You know, I have this tendency of accumulating projects, and then I end up with so much stuff in hands that it gets almost impossible to handle everything. So I recently took the decision on taming my super-ultra-mega Gemini tendency of working in one thousand things at the same time and put my projects together in just a few places.

I used to have a Livejournal to keep people updated with news about my artwork. But since I found out that they are now putting advertising everywhere on the site, and I don't feel inclined to pay for an ad-free account, I thought that maybe it would be a better idea to bring the artwork updates here. After all, this is also a blog about art and its connections with the spirit. And I'd have one less thing to take care of, what's always terrific when you are an artist and full time mom... ;)

So, if you want to keep informed about what I've been doing and don't really care about astrology, tarot cards and metaphysical stuff, just look for the label Studio Updates on the right.
And be welcome!

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