Tuesday, May 15, 2007

father Saturn

Yes, Saturn scares. The ones who have already been introduced to astrology through a reading know that very well. They know they'll have problems. They know that something is going to happen, that they will lose their jobs, their loved ones or their health. They know that they'll get depressed or apathetic, and they'll want to die. Of course there's an exaggeration here, but it's more or less what I have seen around. People get terrified by Saturn. They want to know what it is doing now in their charts. And the simple answer, although with not a simple meaning, is "helping you to be a better person, more responsible and aware of your acts".

Saturn scares because it represents limits. Nobody wants to be limited. Responsibilities causes fear because nobody feels ready for them. Deep inside, we are like children (Cancer, the opposite sign to Capricorn, ruled by Saturn). We want mommy's arms, we want to be fed and cared for. Saturn is the father who'll throw us into the world and say "now grow up, it's your turn to be an adult". And we go, and we see the world as a cold and lonely place - until we learn how to take responsibility for ourselves. Not an easy task, mainly when we are not tuned to what Saturn represents - rules, routines, commitments. The necessary structure we need to live in a material world.

Now it's time to think: where do I need Saturn?
In which area of my life do I need a severe father who points me out what are my weaknesses, where I need to grow up?
Where do I need limits and restrictions? Hard work and discipline?
What can make me to see the world how it really is? In which way can I work in order to achieve structure for my life?

And, as long as Saturn is always somewhere in the chart, difficult it will be to live free from its valuable lessons. So, it's always good to reflect about such questions, for every 7 years - when it makes an important aspect to its natal position in the chart - the great teacher is back to test us.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Moon and me

I am glad for returning, after 5 months of pure exercise of motherhood. My baby arrived 9 days after my last post, on November 22th. Sagittarius Sun, Moon and Rising sign... much more than I expected! I see her Fire, vivid characteristics clearer and clearer as the time goes by. I am delighted in being a mom. Coming back to my normal activities have not been easy, and when you have a triple Sagittarius at home things get even more hectic. I've been tried, but I am conscious that my baby is first place in my life and that my attitudes towards her, my commitment and my way of showing love will be the foundation of her emotional development.

Talking about motherhood is to talk about the Moon. This voluble, sensitive aster is, among other things, the one who points out how we perceived our mother, as well as the type of mother we'll be. And since the mother is the first source of security and nurturing in our lives, our relationship with her will establish our own sense of security. How we were nurtured, how we nurture, and what will nurture us.

The mother is the first love of our life. The maternal image we've constructed will define what we expect to find in the the one who will nurture us in the future.

In the chart, the Moon sign, its house and aspects will describe how we feel secure and nurtured, what sort of things give us security and satiate our primal needs. Do you know yours? Have you ever thought about what makes you feel fed? The more we know how to feel emotionally satiated, the less resented we get whenever we're not fed the way we wish or need. We'll know how to compensate this and to seek other ways of finding comfort, since not always our partner will be able to give us what we expect.

In a next post, I'll talk more about the Moon in the signs and our way of being nurtured. Meanwhile, we can make a creative exercise: get a piece of paper, pencils and different materials (glitter, colored glue, pieces of fabric, whatever), and create a moon. This will be your own particular Moon, the one you got inside yourself. Write keywords in your moon that represent what makes you feel secure, fed, comforted. I'd love if you can tell me about your artwork or even scan it and send it to me! I'm sure we'll have much to talk about.

Me and my little one in her first walk around the neighborhood, as soon as the cold days of Winter gave us a break.